
meet my downstairs neighbor

 So this is Dani.
My downstairs neighbor.
She's a little out of her mind but aren't we all :)

So we did a little photoboothing and man does photobooth make pictures fun.

Idea courtesy of Ned Breznai <3 
Dani's face my body.

So we were going to go fabric shopping for her dress today but it was really rainy and plus she had to get a heart monitor put on.  Really long story but basically she had a very scary incident that led to the hospital but she's fine now. 

Tonight we went to see Transformers Revenge of the Fallen and OMFG it was so fantastic.  I absolutely love Shia Labeouf. Ever since Even Stevens... what a great show huh?

So when Dani came up today to ask me to go, I was taking pictures for this and it was kind of akward.


Here's a close up of my leggings and necklace... and yes I realize its a boob shot.

But what I wore today:
Off-white peasant top with a vintage "natural-waisted" skirt, my ripped leggings, 
and yes my second pair of Marc by Marc Jacobs heels.
They were so cheap I had to get them.

And SO beautiful. I love the heel and the black with steel gray.
Oh Marc.

I did end up wearing my black shrug for most of the day because they like to put the AC on full blast at ZP. So I'm basically freezing if I'm not wearing seven layers.

Nothing really interesting happened today so... night?

xo <3