
I've been eating a lot of fruit lately.  Random huh?

Anywho, this is what I wore today...

Kind of a close up but I wanted to show the ruffles, Its my favorite part of this shirt.
U.O. top and shoes, grey shrug and my black jeans.  It was kind of really cold and gloomy out today, it sucked.

Didn't have any jewelry on today... weird.  Oh and I had to post a picture of Patron again.  I miss cuddling with him.  He really is the cutest dog I've ever seen... and I miss him a lot.  To be honest I just miss being home.  I haven't lived at home (minus Christmas and Spring break) in two years.  Last summer I was in Caz, and this summer I'm in NYC.  I just miss home.

I don't regret being here at all, its just one of those things.  Laura's sick :(. I hope she gets better soon because she feels like death.  Not good.  Well I have to write in my journal for K. Steen... awesome.  Not really.  And I might sketch, for myself actually. Not to mention, Gossip Girl's season finale was on tonight.  So much to do! :)

xo <3


  1. you know what you should sketch... my rehearsal dinner dress! :D

  2. because fruit is better than all those overly processed snacks !!!
