

Today was a good day!!!

After work, I went for drinks with my patternmaker Dganit and her other intern Kasia.  Kasia didn't stay long but it was fun. 

We went to the Bubble Lounge which is in tribeca and really close to ZP.  Basically two blocks away. They had great drinks and awesome finger foods.  It was so expensive though!!! And she paid!  SO nice of her.

Anyways, we basically talked for a couple hours about background information and where she grew up and what-not.  We talked a lot about the company and it really made me realize that I am totally going to miss being there.  Like I said before the people are so nice there. 

It became so familar to me and now I'm going back to school... ? Bleh.

Anyways... outfit. very plain.

Grey tank from UO
Necklace from Charlotte Russe
Vintage black leather belt
Hand-sewn/own design on a simple black skirt
anddd my Nine West snake skin flats.

Those poor flats are getting worn out!

Thats all!
XO <3

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