

So, I don't want to seem like I believe my cut out leggings started something because that would be AWESOME, but I really can't think of anyone who wore them before I did... wow that sounds so cocky and so annoying.

In all honesty I really really would like to believe that I could be a trend setter but got to snap back to reality.

So the first place I saw them after I made mine were at American Apparel for like 75 grand.... not really but we all know how they charge an ass load for their clothes. But their slits were on the side.

Then I saw them on the beautiful Lindsay Lohan.  Now her slits are sporadic but I love it. (Photo courtesy from ONTD)

Now today as I was ONTD-ing I saw Lady Gaga's approach to these cut leggings... and can I say that she is shameless?  I don't know if I could EVER wear some of the clothes that this woman finds attractive.  

I do appreciate her music but come on.

I'm excited to go home this week, Laura already left (big sad face) but I'm going home on tuesday and won't be back in the city for a week.  The weekend was fun, crappy friday but really fun saturday, beautiful weather. :) But really I can't wait to go home and lay by the pool.  I need a tan.


  1. this has nothing to do with this post. mr. puggles on the side is such a baby!!! he's so little... like an ethiopian child!

  2. uhhhhh i do believe he has more meat on his bones than an ethiopian.

  3. psh! lady gaga is totally riding your vibe! she just channeled the awesome-ness after
